Tuesday 16 April 2013

Evaluation Question 5

Evaluation Question 5
How did you attract/address your audience?

The Cover

The audience which I have chosen for my magazine was older teenagers and young adults- preferably students as these would be the people who are most likely to be interested in my music genre which I have chosen for my magazine. Because of this, I have designed my magazine in order to attract them to buy it.
I originally chose a male and female audience- which I still stand by- however I think that the bright pastel pink and green colours would be stereotypically more appealing to females. Doing this suggests that my magazine is more suited to women rather than men, however I feel as though males who are still interested in the genre of music which I have chosen would still have an interest in my magazine.

I have also chosen to use a young female (who would be around the age of my target readers) as my cover star as I felt that the readers would be able to relate to her, therefore this would mean that the magazine which I have created would be appealing to the female market. However magazines such as Loaded which feature women appeal to men and so I think that there is a possibility that using Chloe Roberts on the cover would also appeal to males making the market I am addressing mixed.

Although the colours which I have used aren't typically masculine, I feel that they would be aesthetically pleasing to both genders as the magazine is representing the a genre of music. I feel as though the bright, happy colours reflect the genre and would therefore appeal to people who are interested in the genre which would be both genders as indie/folk is popular amongst  both males and females, and is therefore suitable to a mixed audience.
I think that the image of the artist on the cover would attract males and females as she is very attractive which would attract the make section of the target audience and is relatable to the female section of the audience. She looks stylish and I think that she reflects the genre well meaning that fans of the genre will see the cover and be attracted to it meaning that they would buy the magazine.


The female name is showed in a pink, flowery font which would be more appealing to women rather than men however the vintage/folk style that I wanted to show reflets the genre and so I dont think that males would necessarily be put off by this when looking at and buying the magazine
The names of artists which have been featured in the magazine and on the left hand side of the cover are predominantly male and/or bands which feature mainly male members showing that the magazine is not just targeted at females. The artists featured are also those from the genre which I have chosen and so therefore this would attract fans of the music genre as well as the bands and artists featured.

I have chosen to use British artists as I think that this would relate more to my target readers and would attract them to my magazine. This could be due to the fact that they are more likely to be performing at British festivals or on tour around Britain and so the reader will have more of an opportunity to see them rather than artists from overseas places such as America. I also think that British music has more of a folk sound whereas other countries are more country sounding which isn't what I want. This is why I have included these artists.

The strap line 'THE INDIE AND FOLK MAGAZINE" would make the reader more aware of the genre which i have chosen and would therefore make my product more attractive to fans of that particular genre. This reaches out to my target audience as they will read the strap line and will be interested in the product and more inclined to buy it.

The Contents

I have designed my contents page for my audience as I think that the short snappy descriptions would appeal to them. Reading long boring sentences would make the readers lose interest in the magazine. I think that because they would be quite young, writing in that way would make them lose interest in what I'm saying and writing in the way which they would speak makes the magazine more relatable to the reader.

The photographs which I have used  on my contents page relate to my readers as both of the artists I have used are quite young- like my target readers. I have chosen to chose a male musician on the contents as well as a female as because the magazine is aimed at both males and females. If I used only females in the magazine then the target audience would be limited to just females and males wouldn't have anything to relate to in the magazine other than the genre. Also, the cover of the magazine has the names of featuring artists which are predominantly male and I wanted to make my magazine seem authentic. 

Using young artists who are supposedly successful would relate to the younger readers as they would probably be at college or university and would therefore want to be successful. this aspect of the cover star therefore makes it relatable to readers.

Giving my readers an insight into well known artists lives would makes my magazine relatable to the readers as they would feel as though they were being given greater knowledge of music which they have an interest in. Also, this would create a relationship between me (the magazine) and the reader as they would feel as though the magazine was giving them unknown knowledge, for example the "New artists uncovered by IF" feature would make the readers as though the magazine was sharing information with them. This then attracts them to buy the magazine as they feel they are gaining something by reading it.

Also, giving the reader the opportunity to find out about artists which they are interested in would attract them and make them buy the magazine. By putting the names of bands and artists which my target audience would be interested in on the cover would give them a bigger incentive to buy the magazine so they could find out about them.

Adding the magazines twitter @ name at the bottom of the contents page would relate to the readers of my magazine because they are young. Younger people have interests which includes technology and social networking sites so therefore this would be of interest to them. They could follow the magazines twitter account and find out more information on the magazine and the genre. Providing a twitter account would also attract more people to the magazine as they could find the account online and have a look meaning that more people have a greater knowledge of my magazine and may go and buy it.

The Double Page Spread


The way which I have presented the interview on my double page spread would appeal to my audience because, rather than using a question and answer interview, I made the interview into flowing paragraphs which I believe looked better and makes it look like more of a feature to the reader. I think that question and answer interviews are for younger people (young teenagers) whereas the paragraphs would be a lot more appealing to my target audience.

The language register which I have used is formal however it is done in a way to make the reader feel relaxed when they are reading it. This will be appealing to the young adults which I have targeted my magazine at. When they are reading the magazine article they will feel as though they are reading a proper publication as opposed to something which has been designed for teenagers. As well as being more attractive to my target audience, this also makes my magazine more professional which is also something that would appeal to my target readers.

The photograph which I have used on the double page spread is very relaxed which will appeal to my readers as they wont feel awkward when looking at the double page spread. Feedback from my peers when they looked at my draft was they a variety of facial expressions and poses were needed and that they need to look more relaxed and I think that the images work well. This will appeal to my readers.
The colours which I have used are all very similar as they are shades of pink and purple. This refelcts the soft nature of the folk music genre which would attract fans of that genre and I think that the bright colours make the page fun for the reader to look at and read which would attract them to my magazine. The fun look of the page continues through the use of the nearly transparent 'C' in the center of the article page.

The cover line 'BURSTING ONTO THE SCENE' suggests to my audience that Chloe is an upcoming/new artist which they will find interesting and will make them attracted to the magazine. My readers are interested in new music and so this as the main feature will give them an incentive to buy may magazine.
My artist is new to the industry and so this will make my readers feel as though they have a connection to the artist. The fact that she is young and has a huge interest in the music industry. When reading the article which is heavily based on the music industry- another thing which will appeal to my audience- they will feel as though they have a greater connection with the artist.

Overall I feel as though my magazine attracts and addresses my audience well as I have focused a lot on my audience profiles when creating the media product. I have made sure i have included lots of things which they need and that they will like and have also concentrated a lot on music which links in with the magazine subject as well as the interests of the readers. I think that using the correct artists adds to the attraction which my readers have to the magazine as they will want to get to know Chloe and Tom (who has been featured on the contents page) and will have things in common with them. I feel as though they fit with the genre of music and therefore, along with other conventions of the magazine, attract my target readers to my magazine.


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