Thursday 7 February 2013

Draft Article

         Having already had a large chart success and a highly anticipated debut album due for release next month, it’s no wonder that Chloe Roberts is the ultimate acoustic artist. After winning the best new comer at the folk awards, Chloe’s success is growing day by day. Pre-interview, we expect a loud, confident young woman with her head in the clouds, however when we meet her in a small cafe in East London she couldn’t be more down to earth. There’s no way you could tell that this girl from a small village on the outskirts of Brighton is currently on a tour across the country and has an every growing online following. It’s truly incredible how level headed she is...
So Chloe, we hear your tour is going really well. Are you enjoying life on the road?
Life on tour is so much fun! It’s going really well and although it’s only small venues the crowds that come along are massive and it’s so amazing to see. When I first started making music I didn’t think that this amount of success would come and so for people to pay money to watch me do what I love doing is incredible. I love my job; it doesn’t actually feel like a job, it’s more of a dream.

What made you want a career in music?
Growing up in Falmer [village near Brighton] music was a huge part of my life. I remember getting a guitar for my 7th birthday and the love grew from there. It was my favourite thing to do, I would sit for hours strumming away and writing songs. It was my escape from stresses of school and things like that. I didn’t enjoy school but I enjoyed music. I understood it so I knew from an early age that it was the direction I wanted to take.
You have a debut album coming out in a few weeks, what influenced you to write the album?
I listen to indie folk music which is my genre. I love the freedom I have when writing; it makes the process much more adventurous than anyone would think. I grew up listening to the genre and have been writing songs for years which made me want to do the album even more. The past three years have been a complete blur; from getting signed to writing it to recording and now all the promotional work. It’s crazy!
How would you describe the album?
It’s very folky. I wanted to stick with a relaxed sound as I’m a very chilled person. I don’t get stressed a lot, even with all of this promotional work and the tour and everything that comes along with it I stay quite calm. I’m an acoustic artist, it’s just me and the guitar and so the vibe of the album goes with my sound. Also, I’m quite a shy person. I was never loud at school and so it’s nice to listen to relaxing music and I just hope it appeals to lots of others!

What was it like winning best new comer at the folk awards?
It was fantastic! I didn’t expect to win anything because the style of my music is so relaxed and is nothing special so it was amazing. I’ve been working on this album for a really long time and have always wanted a career in music so the recognition makes it all seem worth it. Sometimes at my gigs, fans come up to me and tell me that I have inspired them which is the ultimate compliment. I’m so happy with my career at the moment and to know that people feel motivated by my music makes it even more fulfilling.

As well as music, fashion is a huge part of your life. Tell us about that...
I love fashion. Music is number one in my life but fashion is only just behind. I remember getting my first part time job as a waitress and thinking of all the things which I was going to save up for and buy. All of these things would all go out the window the moment I walked into Topshop though! [laughs] I’d spend every single penny that I had on CDs or clothes. One of the perks of being “famous”- I hate that word- is that brands send me things for free! I love it. I always make the effort to look my best. It makes me feel better about myself if I look good and I find fashion a great way to express myself.

What are your plans for 2013?

Well the album is coming out so a lot of promotional work! I’m going to carry on and finish the tour which is really exciting as I love it. I need to take a few weeks off to go home to see my mum and dad and chill for a bit. I’ve still not got my head around this! Everything has happened and I’ve worked up to this but I don’t know what to do next! I have some festivals lined up which will be really exciting. Performing gives me such a buzz and I can’t wait for this year!

This is only a draft and is not necessarily how I want my article to appear. I don't really like the idea of showing the questions, I would rather have paragraphs relating and using quotations from the artist as I think that would be a slightly more professional way of presenting it. My magazine would be quite high end and in high end fashion magazines (such as Elle and Vogue) present interviews in this way.

1 comment:

  1. A good start. This reads like a real article. Read other examples in magazines for ideas (for both questions and answers).
