Wednesday 20 March 2013

Evaluation Draft: Question 3

Draft Question 3
3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I need to make my magazine available to the general public and for that I need to find a publisher to create my magazine and make it available. Publishing includes printing, binding and distributing.

I want my magazine to have a binder as I think that it makes it seem like more of a luxury, branded product. I think that it makes the product look more professional as well as more luxurious.

My magazines info for funding:
Niche- It is an idie folk magazine. Not a lot of these genre music magazines exist and so therefore there is a gap in the market for my magazine. Indie folk is a genre that is becoming increasingly popular and will therefore
Market research and competition- there are a lot of music magazines which are available at around the same price as I would be charging however there are very few in the UK that target fans of the indie folk genre.
Start up- The magazine will need intial start up funding however I believe that it will be popular and the price of £3.00 per issue this will (when it has been set up and is in full flow) pay for the publishing of it itself

IPC Meida
  • IPC media is a publishing company and does all of the things which I need to happen in order to make my product available to the public as well as making it an overall success
  • IPC media has a lot of experience with publishing magazines and newspapers such as THE SUN and NME magazine which have both been successful. NME has been selling for over 60 years and I think that my magazine could be successful like this
  • The company also has a good relationship with a large part of the population (selling over 350 million publications each year) meaning that people who are interested in magazines (such as hipsters and trendies- the social groups which my magazine is targeted at) will recognise the name IPC and will therefore have a greater inscentive to purchase my magazine 
  • There are very few indie folk magazines on sale in the UK  and the genre is becoming increasingly popular. Due to the rise in interest I believe that there is an opportunity IPC to sell my magazine and for it to be a success
 Magazine Distribution
  • In shops- WHSmith, music shops, etc. This allows people who are interested in music and magazines (hipsters and trendies) to have access to my product. This would then mean that they would see my magazine and buy it making it successful
  • Postage to people who subscribe to my magazine, meaning that they automatically purchase my magazine monthly which guarantees readers and money for my product. This would mean that IPC would have success when selling my product
  • My magazine, if published by IPC, could have an online issue/website like NME does which would make the magazine more apealing to teenagers as they use computers/technology regularly and would also ensure the magazines popularity. This would allow a larger part of the population would have knowledge of my magazine
  • Magazines which are distributed in the same way include;
  • In shops: LOADS! Q is sold in shops, Dazed and Confused, ID, mojo. The list goes on. This way is proved to be successful
  • Online: Magazines such as NME and The Fly which have large viewing figures proving that this way of showing the magazine to the intended audience is successful
  • Subscribe: A lot of fashion magazines such as Elle and Vogue are all available for subscription which makes the publishers a guaranteed amount of money for the magazine issue before it has even been written/planned/published 
  • I would have a set price for my magazine of three pounds which would make they type of circulatuion that I have chosen to be 'paid'. If i decided to make it a free magazine then the target readers of my magazine will see it as a product freely available to everyone rather than a luxury item. Giving it the status of a luxury item would make the hipsters and trendies that I am targeting at more inclined to buy my magazine
  • The set price could be reduced if a person was to subscribe to the magazine for a long while as it would make them feel as though they have gained something and would make them not want to unsubscribe.

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