Thursday 21 March 2013

Evaluation Draft: Question 5

Draft question 5
How did you attract/addrsss your audience?
  • The audience which I chose for my magazine was older teenagers and you adults; preferrably srudents as I think that these are the people who would be most interested in my genre and would relate to my magazine the most. Because of this I have designed my magazine in order to attract them to buy it
  • I originally chose a male and female audience however the bright colours such as pink and green which stereotypically is more appealing to females rather than males, it would suggest that it appeals to a mainly femal audience.
  • I used a female cover star who was a similar age to the target readers which I felt would make the readers more able to relate to the magazine and would also be appealing to a female market, however using a girl could also appeal to males which would suggest a mixed market
  • Although the colours aren't typically masculine, i feel that they would be aesthetically pleasing to both genders as it is a magazine representing a style of music and i think that the colours reflect the genre. The genre which I chose would be appealing to both genders as indie/folk is popular amoungst males and females which is why I think that my magazine would be suited to a mixed market
  • I think it would be aesthetically pleasing to both males and females because the photograph of the girl who I used is very attractive (males) as well as being relatable (females) due to the age. She looks stylish and reflects the genre well which would make it attractive to fans of the genre which I have chosen
  • The female name is displayed in a pink flowery font which would be more appealing to women rather than men however the vintage folky style that I wanted reflects the genre and so I don't think that males would necessairly be put off from buying the magazine because of this
  • The names of the featuring artists on the left hand side are predominantly male and/or bands which feature mainly male members. This shows that the magazine is not just targeted at females. The artists featured are also artists for the particular genre which would be something to attract fans of the genre to buy if they knew that my magazine will feature these artists and would buy the magzine
  • I have chosen to use British artists as I think that this would relate more to my target audience and would attract them to my magazine. This could be due to the fact that they are more likely to be performing at British festivals/on tour and so the reader will have more of a chance to see them perform over artists of other nationalities. I also think that British music has more of a folk sound as opposed to other kinds which is why I have included these artists
  • I think that using the strap line 'THE INDIE AND FOLK MAGAZINE' would make the reader more aware of the genre which I have chosen and would then make the magazine seem more attractve to the young target audience
  • I have designed my contents page for my audience as I think that the short, snappy descriptions would appeal to them as reading ling boring sentences would make them lose interest in the magazine. I think because they would be fairly young writing in the way that they would speak makes it more relatable to the reader as well as the feature
  • I think that the photographs that I have used on my contents page would also relate to the reader as both of the artists that I have included are quite young. I chose to include a male musician as I though that this could make the readers (particularly males) feel as though the magazine was aimed at both sexes. Also, from reasearch that I did of the genre I found that the musicians in that catagory were predominantly male and I wanted my magazine to be authentic whih is the reason for the male star
  • Using young artists who are suppoosedly successful would relate to the younger readers as they would probably be at university and would therefore want to be successful which could make the artists more relatable
  • Giving my readers and insight into well known artists lives would make it relatable as they would feel as if they have a greater knowledge of music which they are fond of. For example, "new artists uncovered by IF" would make the readers feel as if the magazine are sharing information with them
  • Giving the reader the opportunity to find out about artists that they are interested would be appealing as it is something that they like and would make them more inclined to read the magazine
  • Adding a twitter @ name is relatable to the target readers of my magazine as they would be younger. A lot of younger people are on social networking sites now and so this would be of interest to them. They could follow the twitter account and find more information about the genre in general and would make them have more of an interest in my magazine. This would also increadse knowledge of the magazine as people may come across the account online and then go and buy the magazine
  • I think that the way I presented the interview on my double page spread would appeal to my audience because rather than using a question and answer interview, I made it into flowing paragraphs which (in my opinion) look better and makes the interview seem to be more of a feature. I think that this would make the reader feel as though it was more of an upmarket product
  • The language which I used is formal but is done in a way to make the reader feel relaxed when they are reading it. I think that this will be appealing to the young adults i targeted my magazine at because when they are reading it they will feel as though they are reading a proper publication as opposed to something that has been designed for teenagers
  • I think that the photograph on the double page spread looks very relaxed and so will appeal to readers as they will not feel awkward when looking at it. Feedback from peers on my first draft said that the pose and facial expression needed to look more relaxed and I think that the image works well
  • The colours which I have used are all very similar as they are all shades of pink and purple. I think this reflects the soft nature of folk music as well as being fun for my target audience to look at and therefore will be appealing and attractive to my audience. The almost transparet letter 'C' in the centre of the article page also makes the double page spread fun to look at and read which my readers will find attractive
  • The cover line 'BURSTING ONTO THE SCENE' suggests to my audiece that Chloe is an upcomming/new artist which they will find interesting as they have an interest in new music which will be a bigger inscentive to buy the magazine. therefore the idea of a new musician being interviewed will be attractive to them when looking at the magazine and reading the interview
  • Because the artist is new to the music industry, my readers will feel as though they have a connection with the artist as they both have an interest in music. This is then continued due to the fact that the interview is mainly based on music

Overall I feel that my magazine attracts and addresses my audience well as I have focused a lot on my audience profiles and what they need. I have also concentrated on music a lot which links in with the subject of the magazine as well as the readers interests. I think that using the correct artist adds to the attracton to my readers as they will want to know about her and will have things in common with her. I think that she fits the genre of the magazine and therefore appeals to fans of the genre.  


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