Tuesday 12 March 2013

Photoshop Work: Progress

Double Page Sread

This is my double page spread. Unlike the cover and the contents page, I have made sure that the size of my page is A3 and that it is landscape. This is so the pages fit into the magazine as when it is folded it will be the same size as the A4 cover and contents pages
I have made the image go on the left hand side of the page and have made it completely fill the page. I tried to get it to fold exactly in the middle of the page as I feel this is more professional
The image that I have used reflects the genre which I have chosen well and I have played with the exposure, brightnedd and contrast in order to make the image look as professional as possible
I have added the artists name at the top of the page and made sure that it fills the page. This ensures that when flicking through the magazine, the reader will see it and be more likely to read the article. This shows her to be more of a feature and makes the article seem important

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