Friday 25 January 2013

Audience Research

The target audience for my music magazine will be people who are interested in upcomming indie and folk mausic. I have realised that these people tend to be teenagers or young adults (normally aged from 16 up until their late twenties) meaning that my photos, styling, features and articles will have to relate to and appeal to this age range.

This age range will be interested in music which is why I am creating a music magazine, however they will also be interested in other things such as films, cuture and fashion meaning that my magazine should also include these kinds of features which means that it will bulk out my magazine and will be more of an attraction to this target audience.

The kind of music magazine that would appeal to my target audience would be 'The Fly'. This is because they feature similar types of music that I will use in my magazine. The traget audience for 'The Fly' would be young adults because of the genre and also teenagers because it is free. The price is something which I need to consider because the amount of money it costs will play a huge part in the type of people who will buy the magazine, For example, aiming it at teenagers is good because the genre will appeal to them however they might not have enough money to buy the magazine and so it would be pointless aiming it at them if they dont buy it.


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