Thursday 17 January 2013

Preliminary Work

This is the preliminary practice magazine cover and contents page that I planned. This has given me an idea of what the contents and cover of my actual music magazine in order to make it look professional. The prelim represents students at college as all of the features used in the magazine are clearly linked to school and therefore students. Also, the image on the cover is of a student which makes the link more clear.

On the cover I have used 3 main colours; grey, white and burgundy which I think work well together. I have done the magazine name in dark grey because it is a lighter colour that black which was the colour I wanted to use originally, however the word blended into the photo and wasn't very easy to read. The grey over the picture was much bolder and easier for someone to read. I used burgundy and white writing around the image as it stands out and looks cool which will appeal to students wanting who (hopefully) will want to read the magazine. George on the front looks very happy and is face on to the camera showing he looks happy to be at the school, however a more cool and serious pose would probably have been more suitable so I now know to take more photos and have a larger variety of possible cover pictures for my model for the final magazine.

The contents page has no pictures which I don't think looks too bad, however in my final magazine I'm certain that I'll use photographs of my cover artist. The colours that I've used on my contents page are the same ones that I have used on the cover (grey, white, burgundy and black as the ‘contents’ font colour as using the same colour scheme looks more professional. I’ve used the titles ‘WHATS NEW?’, ‘NEWS’ and ‘FEATURES’ which are in a different font and are larger which draws the readers eyes to those sections of the page. I’ve also put the magazine title at the top of the page and some twitter information at the bottom of the page which will relate and appeal to the reader and makes the whole page look more real and professional. 

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