Friday 25 January 2013

Genre Artist Magazine Analysis- Ellie Goulding


This is Ellie Goulding, an indie folk artist on the front cover of 1883 magazine- a magazine specialising in new and exciting people/fasions/trends. I thought that this magazine cover was interesting because it isn't really a conventional magazine cover. Ellie is shown on the right hand side of the page which I think is an interesting way of showing the cover star and I like her facial expression as it is really different. I also like the way that the name of the magazine is positioned at the top of the page in the left corner. It looks very sharp and, because of the space surrounding it, it is very clear and easy to read. The bar code is in the bottom left corner and is fairly small but includes the price, date and issue number. I like the styling of Ellie because it is very revealing and shows a lot of flesh, however it is a very modern and up to date style. Indie folk artists are known for their 'out there' fashion sense (Florence from Florence and the Machine for example) and I think that the dress is really good and looks brilliant in the picture. The contents of the magazine is shown to the left of the artist which is a really unique way to show information and it is centerally alligned which looks really interesting and creative. I want my cover to look interesting and I like that the artist is to the side. I want to use this style somewhere on my magazine (either on the cover, contents or double page spread.) I like the way that the make up looks really natural and I like that her hair looks deshevelled, yet still styled and shiny and perfect. This is how I want my magazine to look. I like the black, white and gold colour scheme makes the magazine seem really high class and quality and I think it looks great with the image of the artist.
The images in the magazine are also really interesting and unique. The one on the left shows the artist (again) on the left of the picture and her hair is still styled to look messy, yet still styled. The background is simple, yet it looks as though it is in an interesting place with the wood as a back drop for the photo shoot.
I also like the outfit which she is wearing, the pattern on the shirt looks quite vintage which is the style which I want my artist to have. I think that the vintage look really relates to the folk section of my magazine and reflects the genre really well and the shirt element refelcts the indie section of my magazine.
I like the sunglasses as they make Ellie look quite edgy and quirky and asthough she has a bit of an attitude which is common amoungst music stars as most of them have a bit of an ego and the sunglasses reflect this really well. Overall I think that this image works and I think that a picture of my artist doing this kind of pose would look really good as a feature image in my magazine. Her hair style is shaved on one side which shows that she is an indie artist. This teamed with her style and relaxed, cross armed pose is really unique and cool which is how I want my artist to look.  

This magazine is also of Ellie Goulding only on the cover of a different magazine. The magazine which she is on is called 'PAPER MAG' whcih is a cultural magazine which would appeal to teenagers and young adults. This magazine is called the 'night life' issue which I would expect to be slightly different as magazines are supposedly read throughout the day however night life suggests that the content and images would be more 'out there'. From this idea, Ellie on the front is wearing a more provocative outfit than usual. Wearing a small top underneath a massively sequined/embelished top which is something that people would wear when they go out at night so Ellie already fits the image of my magazine. She is posing with her hand on her hip and a lit match in the other hand which- like the image inside 1883 magazine- shows her having a slight attitude and ego which matches the image of most music stars. I like the colour scheme of black white and pink and the pink light/background matches her hair which looks really cool. The header of the magazine sticks with the colour palett which brings the whole page together and keeps the simplicity. The pieces of text on the cover are all on the right side of the page and are all in boxes which makes the page look neat which isn't normally how PAPER looks. The barcode for this magazine is in the top right hand corner and is the same size as one of the title text boxes meaning that they have made the bar code a feature which I really like as it is quite unique. Although Ellies hair is dyed and it has clearly been styled, it looks quite natural which is a look which I want to put across on my magazine. The make up (except eyes) looks really natural which is, again, something I want to show in my magazine.

The images used in the magazine are really cool and interesting and I think that they link really well to the 'night life' culture topic running throughout the magazine.
The image on the left shows Ellie with her hair falling out (purposely) of a huge feathered hat and holding a piece of expensice material over her chest. The feathered hat links well to the indie type genre because its about having an individual style and it also links to the vintage style which I want to show in my magazine.
The provocative pose holding the materiawl over her body links to the topic of the magazine and the night life element which suggested that the images would be quite different to what we were expecting to see and would be quite contraversial. The thing which I like about this image is that although she is topless, the costume (hat) takes away all of the attention from this and makes the pose less contraversial. I like that they have used a piece of draped material as the background as it looks quite unique and really interesting. I also like that it isn't a block colour as it makes the image less harsh to look at. Overall I reall like this image and the magazine cover as I think that the theme runs through the whole magazine (or at least the images) which makes the whole thing professional.


I think that these images used of Ellie on and in the magazines portray her really well. I think that, although they wtyle her to fit the magazine style/topics, they keep it so it looks like her which is a good thing as it keeps her with an identity. My artist needs to have an identity and so I need to keep the same kind of look/style the same throughout the magazine, whether this be clothing, hair, make up of the font style of her name.

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